Impact on practice

Increased clinician confidence and skills to implement person-centred care

What participants are saying:

Quote   “These skills shared with us are wonderful tools for health care professionals, helping us to assess readiness to change, helping with goal setting with the client. Everything was great as can put into practice immediately all the new skills and also confirmed that I already had and was using quite a few already. Great mix of new stuff and confidence boost that I was on the right track." Diabetes Educator

Read feedback from a variety of Health Professionals here.

What health service managers are saying: 

   Listen to this 30 second audio about the impact on staff from a Remedy HealthCare manager.

Quote  "HealthChange training has been a game changer for our staff. It's a fabulous framework that allows you to shift your focus to being Person-Centred Care dominant and allows your practice to be pulled into that framework nicely, using the skills you've already got in any clinical area. Out of the 5 Allied Health disciplines we have in our clinic, HCM has been applicable to everybody. It's allowed us to work together in a very interdisciplinary fashion and use the same framework to allow our clients to move through their care seamlessly and get the results they need." Mouthworks Therapy Centre Manager, Speech Pathologist

Average increase in confidence
Workshop data

What research shows: 

In 2015, HealthChange® Associates (HCA) partnered with The University of Melbourne to provide training to Physiotherapists delivering an exercise intervention to people with Osteoarthritis over the telephone.  The research team were provided assistance with:

  • Input to the research design
  • Translation of the behaviour change literature
  • A structure for embedding behaviour change
  • Scripts for patient recruitment, as well as initial and review consultations
  • Aligning patient recruitment and education materials to HCM
  • Consultation documentation for data collection


The study concluded that “Although physical therapists found training overwhelming initially as they realized the limitations of their current knowledge and clinical practice, they felt more confident and able to provide person-centered care to people with knee osteoarthritis by the end of training. Training in structured person-centered methodology that provides opportunity for skills practice with patients using a restructured consultation framework can change physical therapists’ beliefs about their roles when managing patients with osteoarthritis and positively impact their clinical practice.”

Intervention Physiotherapist comment:

   "I think there’s really good structure in the methodology, particularly around communication. I guess because the methodology is so detailed, I don’t have those concerns anymore about dealing with different types of communicators [in the RCT]. I feel like the methodology and the training that we’ve done has given me better skills to deal with lots of different types of communicators. I feel definitely more confident about that.”

View research articles:

Implementation of person‐centred practice principles and behaviour change techniques after a 2‐day training workshop: a nested case study involving physiotherapists

BJ Lawford, KL Bennell, J Kasza, PK Campbell, J Gale, C Bills, ...
Musculoskeletal care 17 (2), 221-233

Training physical therapists in person‐centered practice for people with osteoarthritis: a qualitative case study

BJ Lawford, C Delany, KL Bennell, C Bills, J Gale, RS Hinman
Arthritis care & research 70 (4), 558-570

“I was really pleasantly surprised”: firsthand experience and shifts in physical therapist perceptions of telephone‐delivered exercise therapy for knee osteoarthritis–a …

BJ Lawford, C Delany, KL Bennell, RS Hinman
Arthritis care & research 71 (4), 545-557

Watch this 7 minute video outlining changes to an Exercise Physiologist's practice

Watch this 12 minute video that outlines how HCM can be used in the Speech Therapy context